This is a Brand New Site so Team Photos and Bios Coming Soon...

Alias: Arch_Enemy (aka: A_M)
Rank: Leader and Founder since back in 2004, when 760 was born
Name: Chris Kirkman
Age: 25
Live: La Jolla, CA, USA
Occupation: Graphic Designer, Web Designer, and Videographer
XFIRE: pennywisesk8er
Das Auto: Me S60R
Current Favorite Games: Crysis Wars, FarCry 2

Bio: I love San Diego. 760 was my area code growing up, living in North San Diego County (Oceanside to be exact), and if you lived out here you would understand we take pride in our area code. Now living under the 858 area code in La Jolla, just South of where I lived most of my life, I still use the 760 area code on my mobile phone. The name "A_M" is really short for ASS_MAN, what I used to go by in the FarCry days, the game I founded this clan in over five years ago. I am a very large fan of the American TV show, Seinfeld. Around the year 2000, one of my favorite episodes had a main character receiving his new license plates for his car but they were the wrong ones... ones for a "butt doctor" that read ASS_MAN ( I started having to shorten it to A_M since I started getting kicked from servers as an excuse when I would be playing well.

I had been using A_M, and the previous variation of it, for many, many years so it was time to change it up to something that had more meaning.  I now go by Arch_Enemy.  The meaning it has goes a little more with the feeling I wan't people to have in the server I enter within an online game.  An arch enemy is your chief enemy, your nemesis.  Having that name goes a lot better with me if I am playing well in a game than A_M or some other random name like "Bob1942."  There is also a Swedish metal band by the name of Arch Enemy but that was not where I got my name from.

Alias: Nitti
Name: Faisal
Age: 18
Live: Virginia
Occupation: Hmm… hanging out
XFIRE: nitti66
Das Auto: Audi R8.
Current Favorite Games: Crysis Wars, CSS

Alias: MasterBlak3
Name: Ian R. Blake
Age: 17
Live: In da hood, CA, USA
Occupation: Professor of 1337 studies and how to pwn noobs hard 101
XFIRE: masterblak3
Blog: blarg
Current Favorite Games: Crysis Wars

Bio: I served in Vietnam for 3 years as a Green Beret. My squad was ambushed and I was that last man alive. I took on 300 Vietcong and killed them all. However, the last man blew off my arm with a grenade. I was dismissed so now I play Crysis and teach classes at the University. I use a mouse and keyboard with one arm, 'cause I lost it in Nam.

Alias: Tw3nty3iGht (aka poker_ face)
Name: Jorge Torres
Age: 35
Live: Lancaster, CA, USA
Occupation: Sergeant, LACO Animal Control
XFIRE: tw3nty3ight
Das Auto: Dodge Charger SRT8
Current Favorite Games: Crysis Wars, Gears of War

Bio: I was raised in Los Angeles California all my life, I use to live in Whittier a few minutes away from Los Angeles. I moved to Lancaster to buy my 1st home. I have 3 wonderful children and a beautiful wife of 10 years. I started playing games when I was young 6 years old Atari was my 1st gaming system. I found games fun and interesting. As I got older and was able to afford some of the newer gaming such as Xbox, PS1 and Wii. I wanted to continue buying the newer consoles but I was getting tired of spending a couple of hundred dollars every few years buying new games and new consoles, so I bought my 1st computer a year and half ago, my 1st game was Crysis. Some of my other interest include fishing, camping, BBQ's, going to the lake boating and taking trips with my family. I love scary and SciFi movies.

Alias: tomatoes
Name: Blake
Age: 46
Live: Santa Barbara, CA, USA
Current Favorite Games: Far Cry 2, Counter-Strike:Source

Bio: I like pina coladas, and getting caught in the rain. I'm not into yoga, and I have half a brain. I like making love at midnight, in the dunes on the cape. I'm not into health food, I am into champagne.

Alias: ParVo
Name: Craig
Age: Forty-seven (that makes me the most mature member of the clan)
Occupation: Registered Veterinary Technician & ER Hospital Operations Manager
Marital status: Married to Lori
Children: 2 daughters and 2 sons, ages 15-25
Other 'children': 4 cats (2 are 3-legged), 4 dogs (2 dachshund, doberman pinscher, chihuahua), and 1 ferret.
Hobbies: Building Computers (no really?), Home Theater, Cooking, Single Malt Scotch
Sports: NASCAR (GO HARVICK!), LA Angels of Anaheim Baseball, SD Chargers Football, LA Lakers Basketball
Outdoor: Camping, Deep-sea Fishing, Water & Snow skiing, Bog Snorkeling
Games: Far Cry 2, Crysis Wars, CS:Source, Team Fortress 2, Far Cry, Battlefield 2

Why ParVo? Canine Parvovirus is a disease that can kill young dogs, therefore I thought it was the perfect nickname for Far Cry. The term 'parvo' actually means very small or insignificant. Just ask my wife...

One of my other gaming nicknames is s|Ck puPpY or just simply s|Ck; the other being of course, Mr. NipPLes

Team Photos and Bios Coming Soon...

Team Photos and Bios Coming Soon...


Leader and Founder:
Arch_Enemy (A_M)

Staff Members:
ParVo (s|Ck)
MonkeyButt (Farrowz)

Active Members:
(The above and the following...)
Colt 25
Zombie Ninja

Non-active Members:



© 2009, 760 Gaming